
Diecast Metal

This almost always refers to a metal alloy consisting mostly of zinc, but also with about 4% aluminum, and trace amounts of magnesium, copper, lead, iron, cadmium, and tin. The trade name for the alloy is "ZnDC", referring to "zinc for die casting".

The name "diecast metal" is a colloquial phrase, referring more to the manner in which the metal is molded or cast than the material itself. In all likelihood, some metal used in toys that's called "diecast" was probably formed using a means other than being cast in a die, but diecast is the name that's stuck over time.

Articles on Diecast Metal toys

article author column date posted
More Dragon Kaizer Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 12.24.05 1:34pm EST
The King Rides Again Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 04.23.05 5:21pm EST
Don't Drop That Brand Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 11.21.04 2:13pm EST
Somebody Ordered Pearl? Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 12.20.04 1:04am EST
Bandai March 2005 Shipping Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 03.03.05 10:10pm EST
194 articles view more