
Saint Seiya: Sanctuary

Continuation of the original 'Saint Seiya' anime series, Based on the final chapter of the manga, which was never animated during the original run of the show.

Articles related to Saint Seiya: Sanctuary

article author column date posted
Touched for the very first time... Kris Petersen Radar, Radar! 06.06.04 4:42pm EST
Bandai April 2005 Shipping Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 04.05.05 4:03pm EST

Existential Drought Kris Petersen Radar, Radar! 04.16.04 8:48pm EST
Bandai March 2005 Shipping Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 03.03.05 10:10pm EST
Bandai August 2005 Shipping Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 08.02.05 8:59pm EST
27 articles view more