Toy Line

HMS Selection

HMS Selection refers to "Hybrid Mobile Suit Selection", also "High quality & Mini Size". A direct descendant of the HCM Pro focus.

Articles on HMS Selection

article author column date posted
HMS Selection 8 Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 08.02.06 12:28am EST
After the October Flood Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 10.28.06 6:32pm EST
Bandai Has Analyzed Your Needs Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 08.04.04 6:43pm EST
Bandai August 2006 Shipping Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 08.02.06 12:16am EST
Zeta in HMS 6 Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 02.05.06 4:29pm EST
7 articles view more