Genus: Origin

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Origin Character Entries

112 origin 1 2 3 4 »»

character series start date subgenus

18 Daitetsujin 17 03.18.1977 Ningen

111 Emeroad-1 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

555 Aurordia-5 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

777 Pleiades-7 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

222 Vionus-2 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

888 Aldabaran-8 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

666 Magellanian-6 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

444 Capella-4 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

333 Vegallus-3 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

999 Three Nine Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

27 gou (2004) Tetsujin 28 (2004) 04.07.2004

534 Burns (Freight Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

806 Orion Express (Limited Express Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

162 The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

720 Procyon Express (Limited Express Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

960 Cartwheel Galaxy Main Line (Freight Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

042 Iron Berger (SDF Vega Platoon's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

531 (Freight Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

000 Fortune (Layla's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

262 Tarazed Main Line (Limited Express Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

620 Kaitos Sigma Line (Limited Express Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

860 Orion Great Circle Line (Regular Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

796 Griffin (High Speed Freight Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

134 Ulysses 6 Star Group Circuit (Limited Express Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

945 Galileo Marius Circle Line (Freight Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

033 Raiden Sam (SDF Algol Platoon's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

400 Bernard (Freight Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

707 Alpheratz Branch Line (Regular Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

240 Meridiana Line (Regular Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

592 Cepheus Circle Line (Limited Express Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha
112 genus 1 2 3 4 »»

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