Character Designer

Ohkawara Kunio


The MAN (as well as the father of the contemporary real robot).

Articles referring Ohkawara Kunio designs

article author column date posted
CM's Star Gao Update Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 02.28.05 5:23pm EST
1:12 Red Shoulder Custom Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 01.10.07 7:00pm EST
Brave GaGaGaGokin Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 07.22.04 7:42am EST
CM's Star Attraction Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 02.23.05 2:37pm EST
Strongest Website: Daiohja Darren Pierce Radar, Radar! 09.11.05 1:28pm EST
53 articles view more