
Micro Vehicles for Micro Men?

by Darren Pierce : Radar, Radar! : 05.15.04 11:18am EST
A partially verified story has crossed our desks with regard to a new series of Microman 2004 "BioMachines" vehicle toys. The below listed names are tenative, and it's unsure if these products will be sold thru regular channels or not. Price is expected to be ¥1,680, availability in August.

Machine Mirror - X-Wingy fighter ship
Machine Stinger - Another fighter, resembling Marine Condor
Machine Kong - Heavy walker-type vehicle
Machine Tiger - 3-wheeled motorcycle

All four vehicles can gattai into a single vehicle.

Devilman goods will also appear in the "MicroForce" format in August starting with the TV version of everyone's favorite pagan hero. Manga version and his wing-headed girlfriend Silene follow in September-- ¥1,050 each (TV and manga versions). Catwoman and Batgirl are coming as well.

[NOTE: This information has been verified and updated - 16 May]