
You Gotta Spend It to Make It

by Darren Pierce : Radar, Radar! : 07.01.05 11:28pm EST


... And you gotta have it to spend it. That's why Takara is happy to be back in the land of financial options.

Takara has just secured controlling interest -- nearly 90% -- of Tatsunoko Productions. Tatsunoko is the 40 year old animation company that is the father of Gatchaman, Time Bokan, Speed Racer, and piles of other famous and loved properties. Most recently, Karas has been doing well for them.

The Tatsunoko brands were most recently exploited for higher-end toys by Unifive. However, in the last year, Takara has voiced intentions to foster a strong character business, and this could be an important stake in that strategy.

Could a little Tekkaman, Godam, or Gardian be on the horizon?