Genus: Origin

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Origin Character Entries

112 origin 1 2 3 4 »»

character series start date subgenus

999 Three Nine Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

001 Big 1 (SDF Sirius Platoon's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

000 Fortune (Layla's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

00X Prometheus (SDF Experimental Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

555 Aurordia-5 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

888 Aldabaran-8 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

333 Vegallus-3 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

777 Pleiades-7 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

666 Magellanian-6 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

222 Vionus-2 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

015 (SDF Alphard Platoon's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

035 Libran Gunner (SDF El Schemali Platoon's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

034 Flame Swallow (SDF Spica Platoon's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

033 Raiden Sam (SDF Algol Platoon's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

029 Shakey Needle (SDF Dschubba Platoon's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

028 Appleguard (SDF Thuban Platoon's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

027 Blue Garrison (SDF Rigel Platoon's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

026 White Horn (SDF Castor Platoon's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

025 (SDF Deneb Platoon's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

016 Flying Shark (SDF Alphard Supply Corp's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

444 Capella-4 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

111 Emeroad-1 Galaxy Express 999 09.14.1978 Mecha

312 Apsaras (Freight Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

290 The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

272 Caput Trianguli Line (Limited Express Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

262 Tarazed Main Line (Limited Express Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

254 Grace Wealthy (Galaxy Railways Inc Casino Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

240 Meridiana Line (Regular Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

096 Phoenix (SDF Albireo Platoon's Car) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha

087 (Prisoner Transport Train) The Galaxy Railways 10.04.2003 Mecha
112 genus 1 2 3 4 »»

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