
Bandai - Namco Synergy

by Darren Pierce : Radar, Radar! : 08.23.05 8:16pm EST


Bandai president Kazunori Ueno made comments today regarding Bandai's merger with Namco. Ueno plans a major push of Bandai-ized Namco character goods early next year, including a healthy dose of amusement goods. Some of those amusement goods will be headed for the US, in hopes that gashapon Pac-men and Kazamas are just the recipe capsule mega-success in America. There's even talk of a Namco-themed amusement park in Tokyo filled with -- you guess it -- Namco character filled prize machines.

Ueno didn't rule out more mergers and acquisitions in the near future, saying if the fit is right, Bandai will pounce.